The MXR01V28 module provides signal isolation and mixer functionality to split and combine upto 6 V24 signal groups, for stimulate and response communications. The module can be configured as a V24/V28 signal isolator, isolating each signal group from the other signal group. The signal voltages are V28 (ie +/- 5 to 30 volts), maintaining compatibility with standard V24 signalling. The modules can be fitted to MXR01SB sub racks by users as required.
The on board power supply provides electrical isolation from 20 to 60 VDC or 20 to 42 VAC power inputs.
The alarm provided by an isolated clear change over contact to indicate a failed power supply, failed circuit checks or off-normal user configuration.
The MXR01V28 has six signalling groups. Each signal group is isolated from the power supply inputs, alarm outputs and the other groups. Each group containing seven V24 signals (TX, RX, RTS, CTS, DTR, DSR and DCD) and signal ground. Each group is isolated from other groups and earth by 1000VDC.
Each signal group can be user configured as master (stimulate source, eg control centre) or slave (response source, eg sub station). Also each signal grouped can be configured as a Data Terminating Equipment (DTE) or as a Data Communications Equipment (DCE). Addition allowance has been provided for user selection of the DCD to RTS cross over required on DTE to DCE connections, expecting voice frequency modem protocols, allowing the modems to removed where hierarchical multiplexers are used.
Typical applications include multiple control centre data acquisition units to multiple sub station RTUs communication routing. Multiple masters can be set up for transparent control change over.
Typical application using a MXR01V28 module to split the return RTU data signals to two control centres.
NOTE: This application uses half a module, three signal groups. The other three signal groups can be divided off and can be used on a second set of signals.
Typical application using a MXR01V28 module to split the return RTU data signals to two control centres, one control centre having redundant interfaces.
Typical application using a MXR01V28 module to combined return data from three RTU signals.
NOTE: This application uses four of the six available signal groups. The unused signal groups can be added later, if required.
Typical application using a MXR01V28 module as a V28 signal galvanic "Buss" isolator, provides 18 bi-directional, plus 3 uni-directional signals.
Typical application using a MXR01V28 module as a random earth V24 / V28 signal isolator, provides isolated signal group connection between 6 earth points.
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